
数字通信工作 & 职业生涯数字通信领域不断扩大,提供新的职业机会. 一个多才多艺和有吸引力的职业选择, digital communication jobs are a wonderful trajectory for those who are creative with a passion for connecting with others. Pursing a degree in digital communication is a great launching pad to jobs in media and marketing to fields such as human resources. 


数字通信工作描述 & 责任


A digital communications degree focuses on the digital communications that take place within online forums, 物理公司, 以及媒体组织. 从制定品牌口号到增加餐厅的社交媒体粉丝, digital communications jobs foster the way companies and businesses connect with and grow their virtual and physical audiences. 

数字通信学位 主要探索数字分析,社会媒体管理和数字媒体趋势. 许多人还将发展内容创作技能, 比如为社交媒体制作视频或制作播客. 随着当今蓬勃发展的数字市场需求的不断增长, 对于那些考虑从事数字通信工作的人来说,有无数的选择.

数字通信工作描述 & 责任

The typical requirements for those within the digital communications field will vary widely based on the career path chosen. 一般来说,在该领域工作的人会对以下主题有敏锐的认识:

  • 数字能力: From understanding content man年龄ment software to using digital platforms that help support productivity, digital communication jobs will unanimously require confidence within modern digital mediums.
  • 在线事务: Knowing the ins-and-outs of social media and online communication is a major element of many digital communication jobs.
  • 网站开发: 从编码基础到数字文案, website development is a common responsibility for numerous digital communication paths.
  • 内容创建: Digital communication positions will frequently request that an individual has experience with content 编辑 software to create new content or further develop current promotional content, 从视频到图形再到播客. 
  • 搜索引擎优化: 确保公司很容易在搜索引擎中被找到, 使用搜索引擎优化策略, 是许多数字通信专家工作的标准任务吗. 

The most common goal of digital communications specialists is to target and eng年龄 with consumer or social audiences. A strong communicator is able to connect with a wide variety of people; this is a crucial for successful within the digital communications field. 


One of the best benefits of choosing to pursue digital communications is the expansive and unique nature of your career choices. 这取决于你的个人优势, you can choose a digital communications job that supports your personal growth and maximizes your professional skill set. Please be mindful it may take a few years to reach an aver年龄 annual salary such as the ones shared below. 此外,取决于你住在哪里,你的收入潜力可能会更高或更低.


职位描述: Every major business and organization will have a team of marketing specialists and digital communication specialists who help eng年龄 a consumer audience online. Choosing a career in digital marketing is a great move for those with strong organizational skills and who thrive working within a team with a common goal. 
教育要求: 数字通信、通信、广告、市场营销专业本科以上学历
平均年薪: $76,080
来源: 劳工统计局


职位描述: 社交媒体管理是一个流行的职业选择. Social media man年龄rs and specialists are responsible for creating content for social media and curating and growing strong social media audiences and engaging with consumers to help drive revenue. 简而言之,他们是我们在网上看到的病毒式帖子和趋势背后的面孔.
教育要求: 数字通信,市场营销学士学位
平均年薪: $54,791
来源: Payscale


职位描述: 从广播电视到在线播客, 媒体行业的数字通信工作是令人兴奋的机会. The goal of these positions is to generally inform and entertain the general public with engaging and carefully curated content.
教育要求: 数字通信、媒体艺术、电影、广播电视专业本科以上学历
平均年薪: $66,100
来源: 劳工统计局


职位描述: Public relations specialists are the face of brands and the source of the connection we develop with companies we love. 他们负责制作新闻稿, 与主要数字出版物建立联系, 并仔细地倾向于企业的媒体需求.
教育要求: 数字通信、公共关系、新闻专业本科以上学历
平均年薪: $62,800
来源: 劳工统计局


职位描述: Digital communication specialists are savvy at connecting with people online; those skills are critical for corporate recruiters, who seek talent that companies need to function effectively by recruiting online through a variety of virtual channels. They identify employment opportunities for interested candidates and pair them with corporate partners to help address staffing needs. 
教育要求: 数字通信、人力资源、工商管理专业本科以上学历
平均年薪: $62,911
来源: Payscale


职位描述: Those working within HR are responsible for the social communications and expectations within a workplace. 从工人道德到社会动机, digital communications specialists can foster mindfulness for connection within a company. Coordinating training programs and developing professional development opportunities are some examples of an HR representative’s typical tasks that a digital communication specialist could excel doing. 
教育要求: 数字通信、人力资源或工商管理专业本科以上学历. 在获得学位时通常需要并获得适用的经验.
平均年薪: $62,290
来源: 劳工统计局


我们已经在上面介绍了一些具体的数字通信职业, but we’ve yet to find a limit to the ways digital communications can be integrated within existing job fields. 虽然这些职业道路可能不太常见, the constant development of digital tools within work spaces leads to opportunities for a dedicated digital communications specialist. 这些路径包括但不限于: 

  • 网站设计职业: 而许多网络开发职位可能需要技术学位, 数字通信专家通常有内容创作方面的经验, 编辑, 营销分析. 这些对从事网站设计和开发工作很有帮助.
  • 数字媒体行业: Similar to those working with print, digital media specialists shape what we consume online. 在线出版, 视频制作, and graphic design are common career choices for those with great communication skills and strong technical skills.
  • 法律职业: Law firms appreciate administrative assistants with strong organization and communication skills. An added confidence within digital mediums can help make digital communication specialists eligible for competitive administrative and paralegal positions. 
  • 新闻事业: 数字通信在数字和印刷媒体中起着至关重要的作用. Whether you’re interested in production assistance within broadcast television or would enjoy creating original content for online publications, 新闻领域提供数字通信工作. 


The opportunities available to aspiring digital communications specialists are vast and continue to grow, 由于技术的不断发展. 无论你是分析能力强,组织能力强,还是艺术能力强,创造力强, 在这个领域有很多职业道路可以通往成功. 

探索GMercyU的 数字通信程序 to develop and strength your skills with the support and mentorship you need to succeed. 今天就开始你的旅程!