Bachelor's of Science in Special Education Degree (Prek-12)

Colleges of Distinction Badge for Best Education CollegesDevelop Valuable, Specialized Skills to Make a Lifelong Impact on Students

特殊教育是一种使命. Teaching and advocating for students with learning disabilities and developmental delays, 并帮助他们克服挑战, 是一份非常有回报的职业吗.

With expert teachers and resources like GMercyU Autism Institute, you’ll develop the ability and confidence to respond to the needs of all your future students.

这个学位提供了获得认证的途径. 这也是攻读研究生水平的应用行为分析(ABA)认证课程的完美途径, 作为一名特殊教育教师,哪些可以进一步提高你的工资和就业机会.

Certification: 该计划旨在满足宾夕法尼亚州联邦的认证要求. If you reside in a different state, you should carefully review 你所在州的认证要求 在参加这个项目之前.

Exciting News! 宾夕法尼亚州教育部已经放弃了通过基本技能评估以获得教师资格认证的要求. 阅读下面的教师认证途径. 

Program Details

At GMercyU, we have been helping students become the teachers they’re meant to be for more than 60 years. 当你发展你的教学和课堂管理技能时,你将有机会获得专家教师和资源, 你将会秉承GMercyU的诚信价值观, respect, service, and social justice into the classroom to transform students into not only lifelong learners, but good people. Learn more below.

TAP student你将在大一九月的第二周被安排到教室!

Our 教师学徒计划(TAP) 帮助你获得第一手的见解如何教育的真实世界是如何工作的,然后轮到你在班上的头.

In all, you will spend 8 semesters in actual classrooms. 你的最后两个学期将专门用于学生预科教学和学生教学经验,在那里你可以轮流担任班级的领导.

While it is important to be knowledgeable about your curriculum, it is also important to develop your personal teaching style for the classroom. 通过GMercyU在课堂上的动手方法, 你会学到有效的课堂管理方式, 一组通信方法, and will be able to handle conflicts within the classroom. 我们真实的教学方法将使您在动态环境中更好地了解您的学生.

*Please note, 教育专业的学生必须提供自己的交通工具往返于不同的领域.

No matter your major, GMercyU的所有课程都由全职或兼职教师授课,没有助教. In fact, 我们教育项目的教授有超过130年的教育经验!


  • A personal advisor 谁将指导你度过这四年.
  • 实地实习协调员, Dr. Cheryl Malfi, who will help ensure that you have a successful student teaching experience.
  • 认证和就业专家. 一旦进入教师资格认证的轨道. Pat McAleer will ensure you meet all requirements to become a certified teacher in Pennsylvania.

Education Degree Program – Teacher Certification Update

帮助解决全国教师短缺的问题, 进入教师预备课程的候选人的基本技能要求已被放弃.  这意味着即将进入教育专业的学生在进入教师资格认证之前不需要通过宾夕法尼亚州教育部的基本技能评估. 这是来自Dr. 克里·赫尔姆,宾夕法尼亚州教育部:

Act 55 of 2022 signed into law by Governor Wolf on July 8, 2022, 要求教育部长放弃满足完成第1207条所要求的基本技能评估的要求.3 and 22 Pa. Code § 49.18(c) (relating to assessment) for 3 years from July 8, 2022 through July 8, 2025. 这适用于在此期间进入预备课程的所有学生,以及在此期间提出申请的其他合格的许可候选人. 

学生仍然需要满足3.0 GPA要求,如下所述.   

Transfer Students 我以3分的成绩被这所大学录取.平均成绩不低于0分,且至少48学分,可直接进入其选择的教师资格认证课程.

All Other Admitted Students, including incoming freshmen 会以教育研究专业入学吗. 他们将有资格进入认证轨道,一旦他们获得48至60学分,累计3.0 GPA or higher. Students will work with their respective advisors to monitor this progress.

将这份弃权书签署成为法律, 在批准的豁免期内,渴望成为教师的学生将有更顺畅的途径获得认证. Incoming students will work with the Program Coordinator to pursue that path.


在GMercyU,我们将帮助您准备这些测试. Not only will you work closely with your advisor, but our Student Success Center provides many opportunities to help you prepare for these tests, 包括一系列基本技能工作坊, 为考试做练习的计算机程序, 私人一对一辅导, and a variety of materials for you to take and prepare on your own.

Founded by Assistant Dean of the School of Business and Education Deb Schadler, PhD, the Autism Institute 专注于以科学研究为基础的最佳实践,以支持自闭症学生.

GMercyU的自闭症研究所 provides research-based best practices for students, 还有老师和行政人员, 自闭症儿童的父母和任何感兴趣的社区成员通过资源和服务,如年度自闭症会议.


Gain leadership skills, grow professionally, and make friends by getting involved!

它的使命是为那些热衷于帮助社区的人提供一个学习的机会, collaborate, 分享教育经验. This club offers its members the option to connect with professionals, 参加教育和社会活动, and volunteer. Being a member of this club will promote understanding, education, 以及GMercyU社区的最佳实践.

Best Buddies
我们的“最好的朋友”章节将GMercyU的学生与有智力和发育障碍的社区成员联系起来, hosts monthly events, 并参与筹款活动.

Kappa Delta Pi荣誉协会
It is the oldest and largest honor society in education. 邀请加入是基于学术成就, 把教育作为一种事业的承诺, and a professional attitude that assures the member’s steady growth in the field of education.

除了通识教育的要求, you will complete the following courses for a bachelor's degree in special education:


EDU 100  Education in America
EDU 104 Health & 运动发展Pre -4
EDU 216 教学基础 & Learning Pre K-4  
EDU 226 Reading Sequence I – Foundations of Early Literacy Research
EDU 227 Pre -4的数学方法
EDU 228 Art and Humanities
EDU 229  阅读序列II - Lang. Dev. & 早期读写、教学 & Assessment
EDU 309  K-8学前教育中的技术整合
EDU 316  阅读素养教学、评估 & Intervention
EDU 351 满足英语学习者的需求

特殊教育专业- 33学分

SPE 205 Exceptional Person
SPE 231  Mild/Moderate Disabilities in the Inclusionary Setting
SPE 232 Students with Complex Needs in the Inclusionary Setting
SPE 332 Assessment and Instruction of Students with Complex Needs
SPE 331 Implementing Inclusive Practices for the Mild/Moderate Population
EDU 415   Pre-Student Teaching
EDU 498 K-8学前学生教学(12学分)
EDU/SPE 4000 Capstone Seminar

Credit Requirements

A minimum of 120 credits is required for a bachelor’s degree in special education. 这个项目需要犯罪背景调查, child abuse clearance, 以及某些免疫接种和其他与健康有关的许可,以便参加所有的实地经验.

Undergraduate Minors

Increase the value of your early childhood education degree by adding an undergraduate minor 这最能满足你的个人和职业目标.

想知道你的课程会是什么样子? Here are just a couple of the classes you’ll take as a Special Education major. 

SPE 205杰出人士
本课程将要求学生展示知识的基本概念,教学生具有认知能力, behavioral and/or physical health disabilities ages 0-21. 这将包括:哲学, 教育的历史和法律基础, 现行识别标准, 法律和教育定义, etiology, 发病率和流行率数字, as well as cognitive, behavioral and physical characteristics for students with disabilities. 本课程将介绍跨年龄组典型/非典型生长和行为的模型和理论, 还有残疾.

SPE 231轻度/中度残疾
教育和医学定义, etiology, 学习障碍学生的识别标准和目前的发病率和患病率, emotional/behavioral disorders and mild mental retardation are presented. This course will review major theoretical models associated with the study of these conditions. 需要现场经验.

SPE 331 Implementing Inclusionary Practices for Mild/Moderate Population
介绍了基本概念在轻中度残疾学生教学中的应用. 学生将检查规范参考, 基于标准和课程的工具和程序,用于评估和诊断在学校遇到学习和行为问题的学生. 学生将进行基于课程的评估,以确定学生的学术优势和劣势. 学生还将学习如何通过应用行为分析的角度创造有利于学习的环境.

请浏览所有特殊教育课程说明 refer to the undergraduate catalog.

Deb Schadler
Deb Schadler博士,CPCRT, PRSE
Did You Know? Dr. Schadler is also the Director of GMercyU’s Autism Institute. She has developed and taught GMercyU’s undergraduate special education curriculum.
Read bio

Marianne BoydMarianne Boyd, M. Ed.
Position: 教育学实践教授
Did You Know? 博伊德教授拥有丰富的课堂教师和小学校长经验,并为她的课程带来了丰富的经验. 她是教育拓展俱乐部的联合顾问.
Read bio




认识更多的学生-看 GMercyU大学之旅的一集!

Career Opportunities

There is a need for special education teachers nationwide. 根据劳工统计局的数据,大约 33,500 openings for special education teachers are projected each year through 2032.

In 2022, the median annual wage for special education teachers was $62,950名收入最高的10%的人收入超过102美元,450, according to the BLS.

在这些地区和更多地区, GMercyU学生近期完成学生教学并在毕业后找到教学岗位:

  • 阿宾顿学区
  • 本塞勒姆学区
  • 中央雄鹿学区
  • 殖民地学区
  • 理事会岩学区
  • 哈伯罗-霍舍姆学区
  • 下摩兰学区
  • MAST Charter School
  • 梅瑟顿学区
  • 内沙米尼学区
  • 北宾州学区
  • Perkiomen Valley学区
  • 费城学区
  • 凤凰城学区
  • 斯普林菲尔德学区
  • St. Malachy School
  • 上都柏林学区
  • 上莫兰学区
  • Wissahickon学区

教育学专业的海莉·麦克唐纳说Hailey McDonnell '24
早期教育和特殊教育专业, 海莉目前正在完成她的学生教学,在她的项目期间有三次实地工作经历. 通过这些经历, 海莉得到了工作机会, 其中一个是约翰霍普金斯大学, 通过与教授建立关系. Her goal is to eventually work in a Special Education environment.

Read more about 海莉在德国商业大学的经历.

Read more 格里芬的成功故事.

I’m proud to say I’ve been teaching in real classrooms since my freshman year. In our coursework, we write lesson plans and execute those lessons for constructive feedback from our professors. 这对于一个未来的老师来说是非常重要的. 

-Samantha Venezia ' 22早期/特殊教育

Next Steps

Have you already earned college-level credits at another institution? GMercyU makes it easy for you to transfer — learn how on our Transfer Admissions page.

You can also explore our agreements with area schools on our Transfer Your Credits 页面,并查看我们的 转校生保证奖学金.

对GMercyU的入学要求有疑问吗? Our Admissions staff is ready to walk you through the process of applying to GMercyU.

Phone: 215-641-5510

Apply Now

At GMercyU, we strive to make a quality education accessible to all through financial aid, scholarships, and grants. 作为一所军事友好型大学, we welcome service members and participate in all VA educational benefits programs. 

Become the kind of teacher who can help change the lives of your students. Earn your bachelor's degree in special education at GMercyU!

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