
在格温内斯仁慈大学, 100% of first-year 和 transfer undergraduate students receive some form of financial aid.*
而且,我们致力于使财政援助过程尽可能简单. 所以如果你在学习过程中有任何问题,我们都会帮助你!




步骤1: 创建一个FSA ID,这将在步骤2中用到. 学生需要一个FSA ID,家长/监护人需要他们自己的FSA ID. 去 www.studentaid.政府 按照说明来做. 把你的FSA ID放在一个安全的地方——你每次完成FAFSA都需要它, 你在大学里的每一个学年.

步骤2: 完成 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA),并包括GMercyU的代码003270.

需要更正您的2024-25年FAFSA? 在这里查看详细信息和其他FAFSA更新.

不打算提交FAFSA? Please complete our FAFSA Waiver as soon as possible so we can issue a financial aid offer letter, which includes any GMercyU merit or other scholarship aid offerred to you at admission. 在我们的 财政援助申请 & 表单页面 或者在 自助服务门户 录取学生.

找到 DACA或无证学生的资源在这里.

有问题? 摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站训练有素的财务援助专业人员 谁愿意在任何时候免费帮助你!


Priority deadlines 和 funding are only applicable to traditional undergraduate students. 

  • 12月1日: 新生入学申请优先截止日期, 尤其是那些寻求总统奖学金或Cristo Rey奖学金的学生
  • 3月15日: FAFSA对所有新生的优先截止日期. First-time students who submit their FAFSA by this date will be eligible to receive a renewable $1,FAFSA提交补助金.
  • 3月30日: FAFSA优先归国学生截止日期
  • 5月1日: Final deadline for filing the FAFSA if you're interested in receiving a Pennsylvania State Grant

2024-2025年FAFSA有问题? 点击这里查看我们的更新,或者伸出手去 学生资助办事处!


A typical undergraduate financial aid pack年龄 includes all state, federal, 和 GMercyU aid, such as:

  • 助学金或奖学金——你不需要偿还的钱
  • A low-interest student loan that you will need to pay back after you leave college
  • 校园就业(每周最多15小时)

Undergraduates will likely receive the same amount all four years as long as you reapply for financial aid annually, 你继续满足报盘的所有条件, 而你的经济需求基本保持不变. 如果你对你的报价有任何疑问, 请摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站!

记住,并非所有的经济援助都是平等的. 如果你在比较一所学校和另一所学校的offer, 确保你是在逐个比较. 如果你有问题,我们随时为你解答.


当你的经济援助计划准备好了, 我们将发送通知到您的FAFSA上提供的电子邮件地址. 要完成这个过程:

步骤1: 登录GMercyU 自助服务门户.

步骤2: 点击“经济援助”页面

步骤3: 点击“审查并接受你的经济援助奖励信”.详细说明也可在此查阅: 如何在传送门上接受你的援助 (PDF).

步骤4: 下载一份你的助学金副本,请阅读我们的 财政援助条款和条件 (PDF).



FAFSA验证: 如果你被选中接受联邦认证程序, 您可以找到所有适当的验证文档 自助服务门户 (按“经济资助”栏). Requested tax documentation – such as W-2(s), 国税局 tax return transcripts, etc – can be found on 国税局.政府. If you have any questions regarding the verification requirements, 请摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站! 我们随时准备帮助你.

联邦直接贷款接受者: If you are receiving Federal Direct Loans for the first time, you must complete the 入学咨询主本票 才能收到贷款资金.



请参考这个 缩小差距小册子 了解更多其他融资信息.

2024-2025 FAFSA常见问题解答

The federal Department of Education announced changes to the 2024-25 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA) form, 包括何时对学生和家庭开放. 请参阅下面的有用信息. 在这里找到204-2025年FAFSA的更新.  

The Department of Education released the newly overhauled 2024-25 FAFSA to students 和 families on December 31, 2023. 在这里找到有关新FAFSA的详细信息.

FAFSA代表免费申请联邦学生援助. 这是用来确定学生经济需求的表格.

学生s who choose not to submit a FAFSA will not be eligible for any institutional, 联邦或州基于需求的援助, 和 they also will not be eligible for outside scholarships that are based on financial need. 学生仍然有资格获得学校优秀奖学金. 在GMercyU,优异奖学金在入学时颁发.

更新: FAFSA于2023年12月31日发布.

是的! While we all wait for the 2024-25 FAFSA to be released by the Department of Education, you can give yourself a head start in completing the financial aid process by creating your FSA ID!

The FSA ID is something that students 和 parents/guardians need to have in order to complete the FASFA. 学生需要一个FSA ID,家长/监护人也需要他们自己的FSA ID. 要完成此过程,只需转到 http://studentaid.gov/fsa-id/create-account/launch 按照说明来做.

把你的FSA ID放在安全的地方! 每次完成FAFSA时都需要它.

你知道吗?? You will need to complete the FAFSA for each academic year you’re enrolled in college.

2024 - 2025年, the federal 政府ernment has shortened the FAFSA 和 made it easier to complete by automating the input of tax information. 以下是摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站FAFSA完成过程需要了解的一些关键事项:

  • 申请人必须使用其国税局数据交换功能.
    以前, users had the option to enter their tax information manually or use the 国税局 Data Retrieval Tool. 从2024-25年开始, students 和 parents/guardians will be required to use the 国税局 Direct Data Exchange to share tax information or confirm non-tax-filing status. This change makes it easier to complete the FAFSA 和 reduces the number of questions each person has to answer.

  • 所有“贡献者”必须提供财务信息.
    A “contributor” refers to anyone who is required to provide information on a student's FAFSA form (such as a parent/stepparent or spouse). 例如, if you are a “dependent” student – meaning you live at home with one or more parents/guardians – those parent(s)/guardian(s) will need to provide access to their tax information on the FAFSA.

    邀请一个贡献者到你的FAFSA表格, 你需要提供他们的名字, 出生日期, 社会安全号码, 和电子邮件地址. 请务必在开始2024-25年FAFSA之前收集这些信息.

    重要的是: Being a contributor does not mean the person is financially responsible for the student's education costs, but it does mean the contributor must provide tax information on the 2024-25 FAFSA in order for the FAFSA to be considered complete.
  • 如果我或我的“供款人”没有社会安全号码怎么办?
    如果你没有社会安全号码, 但都是合格的非公民, select the "Eligible noncitizen" option under the "学生 Citizenship Status" section. To determine whether you are an Eligible Noncitizen, please review the information on this site: 学生援助.政府 / noncitizen.

    Your parent does not need a Social Security number (SSN) to complete the student's FAFSA form. 从2023年12月开始, parents will be able to get an FSA ID (account username 和 password) without having an SSN. 在2024-25年FAFSA表格上, 如果父母正在完成他们自己的部分并且没有SSN, SSN将是空白的或预先填充一个指定的伪SSN.

  • 学生资助指数(SAI)正在取代预期家庭贡献(EFC)。.
    学生 援助 Index (SAI) will replace the previous Expected Family Contribution (EFC). 经济能力评估是用来确定学生的经济需要.

    如果您或您的家庭成员在前一年提交了FASFA, 以下是一些将会改变的事情:(如果你从未完成过FAFSA,可以直接跳到下一部分.)

    • Whereas the EFC did not go below $0 in the prior FAFSA, the new SAI can be as low as -$1,500. However, this does not necessarily mean the student will be eligible for more need-based aid.
    • 一些学生将自动获得佩尔助学金. 新的FAFSA寻求扩大联邦佩尔助学金计划的资格. 而一些学生可能有资格获得更高的经济援助金额, it’s important to underst和 that others might experience a reduction in their eligibility.
    • The number of household members attending college will not be calculated into the SAI.
    • The net worth of a business is no longer limited to those businesses with more than 100 full-time employees. Applicants will be asked to report the net worth of all businesses, regardless of size.
    • 农场的净值现在包括家庭农场的价值.
    • Child support received will be reported as an asset on the FAFSA instead of as untaxed income.

有了这个工具, students can find out how much federal student aid you may be eligible for starting with the 2024–25 award year. 访问联邦学生援助评估工具,网址为 http://studentaid.政府 / aid-estimator /.

Applicants who do not agree to share their tax information via the 国税局 Data Exchange Tool (see above) will not have access to the Federal 学生 援助 Estimator Tool.

如果你申请的是2023-24学年的助学金, 你需要完成2023-24年的FAFSA. The 2023-24 FAFSA uses the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) to determine aid eligibility.