GMercyU Celebrates 75th Anniversary, Looks Ahead to 2024

格温内德仁慈大学于2023年开始了75周年庆典, 这是母校取得历史性成就的一年.

Celebrating 75 Years

Mercy Week kicked off GMercyU’s 75th Anniversary, 充满了庆祝大学悠久历史的活动. In November, GMercyU与校园社区和朋友们分享了75周年纪念杂志《摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站》. 了解更多摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站GMercyU的历史和未来展望,请访问 75th Anniversary commemorative magazine.

Frances M. Maguire Healthcare Innovation Groundbreaking

9月,GMercyU举办了新的弗朗西斯M. Maguire Healthcare Innovation Center, a 63,000平方英尺的最先进的设施,专为护理和卫生专业项目的学生设计. 该项目之所以成为可能,部分原因是2022年马奎尔基金会(The Maguire Foundation)提供了1000万美元的变革性捐赠. 该空间将以沉浸式模拟和实验室设施为特色,多个专业的学生将有机会在跨专业团队中工作,实践现实世界的技能并解决复杂的患者情况. Learn more here.

Highest Ever Ranking on U.S. News & World Report

在2022年首次被认定为全国排名第一的大学之后, GMercyU achieved its highest-ever ranking on U.S. News & World Report’s annual Best College Rankings in 2023. GMercyU jumped 71 spots, 在英联邦所有机构中增幅最大,在全国排名第六.

U.S. News & 《摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站》在方法上的改变对GMercyU有利,因为它更加重视商学院在让不同背景的学生毕业方面的表现, including first-generation students, and how well those students do after graduating.

GMercyU引以为傲的是,在2022年,60%的学生被确定为第一代学生,97%的应届毕业生在毕业后六个月就业或进入研究生院(2023年调查结果)。. Learn more here.

Comprehensive Campaign Announced

Mercy in Motion运动支持一个雄心勃勃的愿景,即扩大大学在培养能够驾驭不断变化的世界并使世界变得更美好的专业人士方面的声誉. Driven by three strategic goals, fuel healthcare innovation, invest in student success, and sustain our mercy mission, this campaign elevates GMercyU's commitment to fostering positive, 通过植根于仁慈价值观的高等教育改变全球. Learn more here.

Campus Transformations

2023年也标志着GMercyU几次校园转型的开始, including the newly renovated Loyola Hall; the new Frank O. Genuardi Legends Baseball and Softball Fields; M.E.R.V.’s Market in University Hall; and the Evans Road Campus Entrance.

At the start of the 2023 fall semester, 原来的宿舍和新装修的洛约拉大厅重新开放给一年级学生. The residence hall now features new air conditioning units, micro-fridges, and new furniture and floors. Other updates include new lighting fixtures, new interior paint, improved lounge areas, and super-fast Wi-Fi. Outdoor spaces will be renovated as the next phase of the project.

The Frank O. Genuardi传奇棒球场和垒球场于2023年秋季正式重新开放, with a ceremonial opening to take place in spring 2024. Renovations include new scoreboards, bullpens, batting tunnels, dugouts, backstops, fencing, 还有一个新的棒球队合成场地(垒球将保留他们喜欢的泥土场地). The softball team also received a new warning track.

M.E.R.V.位于大学大厅的市场是校园里的新热点. Need a quick bite in between classes? Stop by M.E.R.V.’s Market to pick up snacks, drinks, sweet treats, meals-to-go, and more with an easy self-checkout option.

Now in the final stages of the project, 为了方便和安全,校园的埃文斯路入口已经翻新. 入口的特点是改善了交通流量和一条新的步行道.
Read more about GMercyU’s campus transformations here.

Highest NCLEX Pass Rate in Program History

今年秋天,GMercyU获得了BSN项目历史上最高的NCLEX考试首次通过率. NCLEX考试是美国护士执照的全国性考试. For more than 60 years, GMercyU在培养高技能护士方面一直处于领先地位,这些护士是在我们多样化的社会中提供富有同情心的护理的专家. Learn more here.

Women in Leadership Panel

今年10月,由6ABC早间节目主持人塔玛拉·爱德华兹主持的GMercyU女性领导力小组会议上,2023-2024年大学主题“有远见的女性:仁慈使差异”得以实现. Panelists included Donna Dorozinsky, registered nurse, entrepreneurial business consultant, President/CEO of Just in Time Good Clinical Practice (GCP) and proud GMercyU alumna; Jie Du, PhD, Founder of JDP Therapeutics, accomplished entrepreneur, research scientist, and philanthropist; and Ellen Stang, MD, Founder/CEO of Progeny Health, board-certified pediatrician, entrepreneur, 也是改善早产新生儿健康状况的公认领导者. Learn more here.

Respiratory Care Award Recognition

在过去的一年里,GMercyU的呼吸护理项目已经多次成为人们关注的焦点, 首次获得美国呼吸护理协会(AARC) 2023-2024年度最高认可奖. 该奖项突出了呼吸治疗师专业教育的最佳实践,并强调了GMercyU的项目提高了患者护理的质量, 提升专业水平,满足对更多呼吸治疗师的迫切需求. GMercyU是全美获得该奖项的10所大学之一.

呼吸护理项目还获得了由呼吸护理认证委员会(CoARC)颁发的卓越认证成功总统奖。. 该奖项旨在表彰在2019年至2021年注册呼吸治疗师(RRT)考试中达到100%通过率的学校. GMercyU的项目是全国415个项目中获得这两个奖项的四所学校之一. Learn more here.

Amazon Prime’s The College Tour

去年11月,格温内斯大学推出了亚马逊Prime会员的“大学之旅”. A streaming series found on Amazon Prime, 今年夏天,“大学之旅”屡获殊荣的电视制作人访问了GMercyU校园,拍摄了10名学生,他们用自己的语言分享了他们的大学之旅. View GMercyU’s full episode here.

今年春天,GMercyU将继续举办75周年庆祝活动. Check for more information.