酒精 and Other Drug 服务

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At Gwynedd Mercy University, 我们的酒精和其他药物服务项目是以预防为主的护理模式为基础的, early intervention and education. While we do not offer drug and 酒精 treatment, 我们提供一种全面的健康和福祉方法,该方法以当前的循证健康和精神健康干预研究为基础. Incorporating R.A.I.S.E(通过学生教育减少酒精事件)加入我们的项目,支持我们通过教育和项目促进健康的社会和居住环境的努力. Additionally, R.A.I.S.E. seeks to correct the misperceptions of 酒精 use on college campuses, and encour年龄 healthy choice making.

Because our students are the main and primary focus of our program, 对我们来说,充分了解当前学生的数据和信息是很重要的. 因此,我们的办公室每年都会收到学生摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站酒精的报告信息 & Drug Use, behaviors, and perceptions. You can review our most up-to-date statistics here:

酒精 & Drug Use Stats (PDF)

Our 大气气溶胶/ R.A.I.S.E. Counselor, with the help of counseling center 工作人员, 为大学提供一系列服务,包括:

  • Social norming information
  • 酒精 & drug prevention/safety information dissemination
  • Community outreach
  • 学生 assessment
  • Psychoeducational 事件 and programming
  • Collaboration and consultation with 教师 & 工作人员
  • Class presentations
  • 学生 trainings
  • 酒精 & other drug policy violation sessions
  • 推荐s to 酒精 & Drug Treatment providers
  • 学生 data collection

所提供的这些服务是在自愿的基础上进行的,或者可能需要作为司法程序的一部分. All University services are offered at no additional charge to students. 然而, 如果评估和/或治疗需要由社区提供者接受,您可能会产生费用. It is important to note that we do not provide Drug and 酒精 counseling, 但我们将支持任何学生从我们的社区提供者那里找到必要的治疗.

Jesse Kunwar, MA, LPC, NCC, CCTP
杰西是辅导员之一,也是大学酒精和其他药物协调员. 她拥有LaSalle University的临床/咨询心理学硕士学位和Lycoming College的心理学学士学位. She has been in the mental health field for 15 years, and has been with the GMercyU counseling center since 2018.

Contact Info:
215-646-7300 ext. 21395

A student may contact the 大气气溶胶/ R.A.I.S.E. 辅导员安排预约或可能被制裁安排预约通过司法程序作为违规的结果, either on or off campus, of the University’s 酒精 and Other Drug 政策 (PDF). This policy can also be found within the 学生 Code of Conduct (PDF). Each sanctioned student receives three psychoeducational sessions, which includes assessment, safety information, reflection, and referral to Drug and 酒精 services if needed.

Gwynedd Mercy University is foremost concerned with the health & wellness of our students. Thus, we have adopted the policies below. Please consult the 酒精 and Other Drug 政策 (PDF) for more information

Medical Amnesty / Good Samaritan 政策

mg摆脱电子游戏官方网站致力于提供一个生活/学习社区,采用教育过程来促进所有学生的健康和安全,并维持有利于他们个人成长和发展的氛围. 学生 wellness is of primary concern. 因此, 制定医疗大赦政策是为了减少有害的酒精和其他有关药物的影响.  When students decide to drink or eng年龄 in drug use, the University expects that they do so in a responsible and legal manner. 然而, 学校认识到,有时学生可能会出现严重中毒或与酒精有关的严重伤害, 大麻, and/or other drug use. 在这种情况下,格温内德仁慈大学希望学生们打电话寻求医疗援助. 大学致力于确保以能力和同情心处理所有情况,并优先考虑安全而不是违反政策.

mg摆脱电子游戏官方网站强烈鼓励学生在紧急情况下,当他们受到酒精的危险影响时,为自己或他人寻求和使用医疗援助, 大麻, 或药物. No student seeking medical treatment for themselves, 其他人, or accepting medical treatment as a result of a Good Samaritan report, for the effects of 大麻, 酒精, or other drug use, 是否会因违反有关酒精或其他药物的规定而受到大学纪律处分. Medical Amnesty may be granted to an intoxicated student; however, 学生将被要求完成必要的要求(如下所述),包括参加大学的R.A.I.S.E. (Reducing 酒精 Incidents through 学生 Education) program.


Medical Amnesty / Good Samaritan 政策 (PDF)

Off-Campus Behavior 政策
All students must be aware of the following:

  • The University may discipline students for incidents that occur off campus
  • 大学和裁判官/法院的决定是独立和相互排斥的
  • 在任何情况下,学校都可以对学生进行处罚
  • 大学不会因为裁判官或法院的未决案件而延迟对案件作出决定

无毒学校和社区法案(DFSCA)的无毒学校和校园条例(34 CFR第86部分)要求高等教育机构(IHE)。, 如格温内德默西大学,以证明它已经实施了防止格温内德默西大学的学生和员工在其场所和作为其任何活动的一部分滥用酒精和使用或分发非法药物的计划.  


  • Standards of conduct that clearly prohibit the unlawful possession, use or distribution of illicit drugs and 酒精 by students and employees;  
  • A description of the legal sanctions under local, 状态, 或非法持有或分发非法毒品和酒精的联邦法律;  
  • A description of any drug or 酒精 counseling, treatment, or rehabilitation or reentry programs that are available to employees or students; and  
  • 一份明确的声明,说明该机构将对学生和员工实施制裁,并描述这些制裁, 直至并包括开除或终止雇佣和转介起诉, for violations of the standards of conduct.  

  • Determining the effectiveness of the policy and implementing changes to the 酒精 and other drug programs if they are needed; and  
  • To ensure that the sanctions developed are enforced consistently. 