New Student Orientation

Orientation我们很高兴你能参加我们2024年秋季的三部分迎新体验, Ready, Set, Griffins!

Part One: Griffin Ready

At Griffin Ready Days, 在了解GMercyU的学生资源的同时,你将花时间在校园里与现在和未来的格里芬学生在一起, opportunities, and more. 您还将在学术顾问的支持和指导下注册课程.

Families are very welcome at Griffin Ready Days! We have a special schedule just for those who will be joining you. Save the dates below; registration opens soon. 请注意:你只需要参加一个格里芬准备日,他们可能是专业/项目特定的.

First-Year Student dates: June 25, 27; July 15, 18
Transfer Student dates: June 5 and July 17

All students who've submitted their deposits have been emailed instructions for how to register for Griffin Ready sessions. Haven't received an email? Contact your admissions counselor or

Part Two: Griffin Set

After attending a Griffin Ready day, you will receive an invitation via email to our Griffin Set Canvas site. In Canvas, 在第一天上课之前,你会找到在线资源和额外的待办事项.

Part Three: Griffin Orientation

Griffin Ready and Griffin Set have led to this final step ... welcome to Griffin Nation!

Orientation will prepare you for academic success, foster positive relationships with all members of our community, 将您与支持性资源联系起来,并加强GMercyU的使命和核心价值观. Save the date for our upcoming orientation programs; registration opens soon:

Transfer Orientation: August 14, 2024 (one-day program)
First-Year Orientation: August 23-24, 2024 (two-day program)

If you have any questions, please reach out to


Orientation prepares students for academic success, fosters positive relationships with all members of our community, 将学生与支持性资源联系起来,并向学生灌输GMercyU的使命和核心价值观. 我们的迎新领导很高兴能在格里芬准备日见到你们,并欢迎你们回来! Get ready to join #GriffinNation! Meet your Orientation Leaders below!

Frequently Asked Questions (Fall)

Griffin Ready Days and Orientation are required.

转学方向适用于从上一所学校获得24个或更多学分的人. It is highly recommended, but not required.  如果你是一个居民转学生,你需要参加第一年的迎新活动.

Feel free to reach out to us if you have questions about either event! Contact about Griffin Ready Days and about Orientation.


Please note Orientation is for students only. 

家庭被鼓励参加格里芬准备日,他们将加入我们的教师, staff, 我们将向您展示我们的“仁慈好客”版本,并欢迎您和您的家人来到我们的格温内德仁慈大学社区. At this session, you will hear about some of the resources we offer to keep students healthy, engaged, and active participants in campus life.

房屋分配信将在7月的第一周寄回家,并将共享您的建筑, room, and roommate contact information.  

GMercyU's move-in day for fall athletes is Friday, August 16, 2024.

第一年住院医师的入住日和24学分以上的转学医师的入住日是周四, August 22, 2024. 您的住房分配信将包括住宿学生入住的具体时间和地点.

For more questions and information for living on campus, please reach out to 

Transfer Student Orientation is highly recommended. It will introduce you to the culture, traditions, 并为你的第一学期做好准备.


Orientation will introduce you to the culture, traditions, 并为你的第一学期做好准备. 你还将获得在大学生活中取得成功所需的信息和资源.

The weekend includes fun activities to help you bond with other new Griffins, a service project, prizes, and tons of info sessions and activities. 你也会在狮鹫国度的庆典上正式加入狮鹫国度!    

Orientation is mandatory for all first-year and resident transfer students.

If you have any questions, please contact

Please see GMercyU's campus map to find the parking lot closest most convenient for you.

We're happy to answer any questions you have! Please reach out to or call 215-646-7300, ext. 21020.

If you have Griffin Ready questions, please contact

You can also follow us on Instagram @gmercyustudentengagement

Meet Your Fall 2023 Orientation Team Leaders!

Orientation Leader
Karam Aldarwich '24
About Me: Senior, Biology major, Resident


Orientation Leader

Maya Campbell '26
About Me: Sophomore, Social Work major, Commuter
What I Love About GMercyU: "Everyone is so welcoming, and helpful. They set up a lot of events between classes occasionally."


Orientation Leader

James Davey '25
Fun Fact: "I own an accordion."


Orientation Leader

Samanta Disha '26
About Me: Sophomore, University Studies major (intended for Nursing),  Commuter
Fun Fact: "I can crack the entirety of my spine very loudly. I'm basically my own chiropractor."
我喜欢GMercyU的原因:“我喜欢Gwynedd的一点是,我的很多朋友都来自不同的专业,比如放射治疗, X-ray, Respiratory Therapy, and Psychology, but we are still taking the same general requirements. We hope to work in the same hospital or unit in the future. Ultimately, I am surrounded by health professions, and I love it." 

Orientation Leader

Alexis Erazmus '26
About Me: Sophmore, Nursing major, Resident
Fun Fact: "I love the beach!"



Orientation Leader

Alyssa Fortunato '24
About Me: Senior, Nursing major, Commuter
What I Love About GMercyU: "The community of people. I have made so many amazing friends through Gwynedd, and this school really feels like my second home."


Orientation Leader

Bri Godwin '26
About Me: Sophomore, Early Education and Special Education, Resident
Fun fact: "I'm on the lacrosse team!"
What I Love About GMercyU: "Everyone here is so willing to help you." 


Orientation Leader

Justin Hartranft
About Me: Junior, Public Health major, Commuter
Fun fact: "I play guitar in a band on campus."
What I Love About GMercyU: "I love walking around and exploring different trails."



Orientation Leader

Sydney Hertzog '24 (for BHS) and '25 (for MSOT)
About Me: Senior, Occupational Therapy major, Commuter
Fun Fact: "I love hiking and exploring new places."



Orientation Leader

Patrick Hinckle '26 (but may be able to graduate a year early)
About Me: Sophomore, Computer Information Science (Web Design) major, Resident
What I Love About GMercyU: "The community is accepting of others."


Orientation Leader

Erin Huggard '25
About Me: Junior Social Work major, Resident
Fun Fact: "I love country music."
What I Love About GMercyU: "One thing I love about Gwynedd is the community. 我喜欢格温内斯的所有员工随时准备在学生需要的时候帮助他们. It is always nice to see friendly faces around campus as well!"   

Orientation Leader

Cari Jones '26
About Me: Junior, Public Health major, Resident
Fun Fact: "I love, desire, and strive to encourage other people."
我喜欢GMercyU的原因:“我喜欢GMercyU的原因是这所大学提供的人和俱乐部. I love how, especially upon living on campus, 一个是能够在适应摆脱电子游戏mg官方网站的同时认识其他人并成为朋友."

Orientation Leader

Elisabeth (Liz) Kerper '24
About Me: Senior, Gerontology major, Commuter
What I Love About GMercyU: "The community and all the people that I have met!"

Orientation Leaders

Joshua Kolasa '25
About Me: Junior, Biology major, Commuter
What I Love About GMercyU: "The great community around campus, especially between the teachers and students."

Orientation Leaders

Emma Larsson '25

About Me: Junior, Early Education and Special Education major, Commuter
Fun Fact: "I have a learning disability."
What I Love About GMercyU: "That everyone makes me feel like family."   

Orientation Leaders
Cheyanne Looby '24

About Me: Senior, Nursing major, Psychology minor, Resident
Fun Fact: "I love all things art and have been drawing since the second grade."


Orientation Leader

Lada Melius '24

About Me: Senior, Nursing major, Resident
Fun Fact: "I am the captain of the cheer team!"
What I Love About GMercyU: "The beautiful campus and close relationships."



Orientation Leader

Shyanne McGonigle '26
About Me: Junior, Biology and Philosophy major, Commuter
Fun Fact: "I am allergic to watermelon!"
我喜欢Gwynedd Mercy的原因:“我喜欢Gwynedd Mercy的一个原因是它很容易建立网络和联系."



Orientation Leader

Ines Monsalve '26

About Me: Sophomore, History with Secondary Education major, Commuter
Fun Fact: "I love to bake, especially pumpkin bread!"
What I Love About GMercyU: "The campus in the fall!"



Orientation Leader

Joseph O'Malley '25
About Me: Junior, Occupational Science major, Resident
Fun Fact: "I have my boating license."
What I Love About GMercyU: "The community."



Orientation Leader
Samantha Peralte '25

About Me: Junior, Nursing major, Resident
Fun Fact: "I used to play three sports!"
What I Love About GMercyU: "How close everyone is with each other." 


Orientation Leader
Toni Robinson '26
About Me: Sophomore, Early Education and Special Education major, Resident
我爱GMercyU的原因:“当我踏上校园的土地,开始我的周六参观之旅的那一刻, I was truly taken back by the everlasting welcome and kindness that was present. 我很好奇地了解到格温内斯·默西提供动手学生教学的机会. 考虑到我从十年级就开始教书了,回到教室是必须的. Overall, 格温内德仁慈大学似乎不仅接受我,而且接受社会上的每个人,无论种族, religion, style, sex, or grades. 我很荣幸能参与分享和传播这所大学的仁慈价值观."

Orientation Leader

Maya Scheuerman '26
About Me: Sophomore, Nursing major, Resident



Orientation Leader

Annie Wenrich '26
About Me: Sophomore, Nursing major, Resident
Fun Fact: "I have an Emotional Support Animal on campus; she is a cat named Dottie."
What I Love About GMercyU: "The community atmosphere."


Orientation Leader


Ethan Wharton '25
About Me: Junior, Nursing major, Resident
Fun Fact: "I can solve a Rubix Cube!"
What I Love About GMercyU: "The clubs."


Wondering what New Student Orientation is like? Here's a sneak peek!